#08 (02/12/2024)

Solving a cubic equation

We want to find one of the roots of a cubic equation given by
x3 + x − 1 = 0
which is between 0 and 1 by an iterative method. Modify the equation above to
x = 1

1 + x2
Start with an appropriate initial value and do the iteration above until it is convergent. For example,

x0=0.5,     x1 = 1

=0.8,    x2 = 1

=0.609,    x3 = 1

=0.728, …
The simplest (minimum) code may look like:
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int i;
float x;

printf("Enter initial guess =");scanf("%f",&x);

for (i=0;i<100;i++)  /* insert your iteration code */

return 0;

Larget integer in C

An integer in C (int) is represented by 4 bytes (1 byte = 8 bits). What is the largest integer that can be handled by C ?

    (a) Conversion from binary to decimal:

    1 ×23 + 0 ×22 + 1 ×21 + 1 ×20
    8 + 0 + 2 + 1

    (b) If one bit is used as the sign, the maximum number using 4 bytes (32 bits) is
    n=1111111 11111111 11111111 111111112. (31 "1"s).
    Insteading of computing
    n = 1×230+1×229+1×228+ …+ 1×21+1×20,
    consider computing n+1 = 10000000 00000000 00000000 000000002,

    1×230+1×229+1×228+ …+ 1×21+1×20
    (n+1) − 1

    (c) Exercise: If an integer is represented by 1 byte (8 bits), what is the maximum integer number with a sign ?

Plotting (GNUPlot)

Download the binary GNUPlot (Version 4.4, only 1.2MB) for Windows. If you must have the latest version, download Version 6 (the current version) from here. Once downloaded, extract all the files into a subdirectory and run wgnuplot.exe from there.

gnuplot > set title "My graph"
gnuplot > plot x**3-x-1
gnuplot > plot sin(x) with dots (w d)
gnuplot > plot sin(x) with impulse (w i)
gnuplot > plot [-5:5] sin(x)/(x**2+1)
gnuplot > plot [-pi:pi] sin(x), sin(2*x), sin(3*x)
gnuplot > set xlabel "My x axis"
gnuplot > set ylabel "My y axis"
gnuplot > plot [-4:4] [0:10] x/exp(x)
gnuplot > splot [-pi:pi] [-2*pi:3*pi] sin(x*y)
gnuplot > plot [-4:4] [0:10] x/exp(x)

gnuplot> set isosamples 100
gnuplot> set hidden3d
gnuplot> set contour base
gnuplot> splot [0:pi][0:pi] sin(x*y)

gnuplot > quit

An example of generating a data file from C and export the file to gnuplot to draw the graph.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
int i;
float x;
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
   x = 0.1*i;
   printf("%f %f\n", x , sin(x));
   return 0;

$ gcc -lm thisprogram.c
$ a.out > junk.dat
$ gnuplot
gnuplot > plot "junk.dat" with lines
gnuplot > plot "junk.dat", 3*x+12

Transferring files between omega.uta.edu and local machine

Download WinSCP (latest here 6.1.2).
  1. New
  2. Hostname omega.uta.edu
  3. Username: NetID
  4. Password: your UTA password
  5. Login

From CMD line

If you know the name and the location of the file you want to transfer, you can do it directly.
  1. Win+R, cmd
  2. cd to_your_folder
  3. scp program.c abc1234@omega.uta.edu: (from a local machine to omega.uta.edu)
  4. scp abs1234@omega.uta.edu:program.c . (from omega.uta.edu to the local machine)

Saving GNUPlot graphs in GIF format/GIF animation

For a graphic viewer, IrfanView is recommended.

To create a GIF animation, download this tiny file, mergegif.exe (64 bit PC) or mergegif32.exe (32 bit old PC) 1
Issue the following commands in GNUPlot to create three GIF files.

cd "c:/tmp"
set term gif size 320,240
set output "1.gif"
plot sin(x)

set output "2.gif"
plot sin(2*x)

set output "3.gif"
plot sin(3*x)

After that, open a DOS window and issue

$ cd \tmp
$ mergegif -l0 1.gif 2.gif 3.gif > animation.gif
$ start animation.gif

Creating GifAnimation from within GNUPlot

cd "c:/tmp"
set term gif animate
set output "animation.gif"
plot sin(x)
plot sin(2*x)
plot sin(3*x)


1If your OS is x86 (32-bit) or other platforms, try compiling the source code yourself using gcc available here.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 4.03.
On 13 Feb 2024, 21:38.